Friday, September 30, 2011

Top Al Qaeda Figure Anwar al-Awlaki Killed -
Top Al Qaeda Figure Anwar al-Awlaki Killed -
Technique - The South's Liveliest College Newspaper
Technique - The South's Liveliest College Newspaper
Google+ vs Facebook: Why Google Plus Can Win
Don’t Let Your Bucket List Drown You! | Empower 2 Go | Martin Casper

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Get Ready…Get Set…The Countdown is on to Timeline

The time is almost here…October 1, 2011.  Facebook rolls out “Timeline”.  I am sure you have heard quite a bit about it already.  Believe me, it will be more awesome than you can imagine.  It is going to be like your own online biography with a whole bunch of tricks inside.  Cool eh?

The question is…are you ready?  One super important thing you need to remember is to download all your current Facebook information before October 1.  Here is a word to the wise…don’t wait until October 1 to do the download.  There is likely to be many procrastinators who will wait until the 11th hr to download their information.  There is always the potential for server crashes and data lost during the mad rush.  Make sense?

It is super simple to do.  Here are some very simple instructions to follow:

  • Go to the “Account Settings” of your Facebook account.
  • At the bottom of your account settings, click on the link that says to “Download a Copy of Your Facebook Data”.
  • You will be directed to the “Start Download Archive” link.  Click on the “Start My Archive”.
  • You will see a message that reads “Download Archive Pending”.  This download could take a while depending on the amount of data on your site so be patient.
  • When the download is complete, you will need to enter your password so that Facebook knows that it is really you asking for this personal data. At this point, a compressed file will be downloaded onto your computer for your records and you can save to your hard drive.

If this is confusing, be sure to contact me for additional information.  Also, my good friend, Clifton Hatfield has a great video on his website outlining these directions complete with screen casts of the different views that may be beneficial.

Enjoy the changes to Facebook as they evolve.  Something tells me that there will be more “big” changes in the near future for Facebook users…so stay tuned.  Stay close to our website and follow us on our Facebook page for the latest in news.  Be empowered in all you do…

Yours In Success & Spiritual Empowerment…


Get Ready…Get Set…The Countdown is on to Timeline | Empower 2 Go | Martin Casper
Get Ready…Get Set…The Countdown is on to Timeline | Empower 2 Go | Martin Casper
Why Facebook Timeline Will Be Huge for Brands
Why Facebook Timeline Will Be Huge for Brands

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

If You Are Not a UFO, Could You Really Be Losing Out? | Empower 2 Go | Martin Casper

If You Are Not a UFO, Could You Really Be Losing Out?

What sets you apart from the crowd?  What brands you as a trusted authority?  Are you authentic in the way you portray yourself to others?  If you are a Christian, are you fearful of unabashedly letting the world know that Christ is your Savior and that there is power in the blood of the cross?  Do you have the fire in your belly to always push through?

Recently, I was talking with one of my friends and we were discussing traits that we respect in successful people.  The one thing that both of us feel is a key trait to the“uber” successful people is a humble confidence and the shear determination to always push through no matter what.  I call this type of humble confidence being a UFO“Unidentifiable ‘Fenominal’ Object”.

Real leadership depicts this type of determination.  My good friend and business partner, Kary Rogney, depicts this type of leadership.  He is a great mentor and always handles his business with humble confidence…never arrogant.  Having a mentor like Kary is an incredibly valuable asset toward your goal of becoming a successful entrepreneur.  Our team provides you with amazing training and opportunities to succeed.

Maybe it is time you set yourself apart as a UFO.  Maybe it is time to join our winning team and really experience first-hand what it is like to be mentored by one of the best.  There is no better time than the present to become unstoppably empowered.

Yours In Success & Spiritual Empowerment…


Why Facebook Will Make Your Blog Obsolete! | Empower 2 Go | Martin Casper

Why Facebook Will Make Your Blog Obsolete!

Facebook is changing again and again.  People are complaining.  They are not happy with the new format.  Some have even gone so far as to say that owners of Facebook are insecure and that is why Facebook has seen frequent changes.

What is wrong with change?  Why are people so hostile?  I was discussing these changes with one of my partners earlier today.  We came to the conclusion that it is the cry of frustration on the part of individuals who complain about any kind of change in their life.

I love what Facebook is doing.  Timeline is so cool.  It is going to be like your own personal biography…and the “Ticker”.  It reminds me of Twitter and the continuous feed.  We both agreed that Facebook must keep evolving and that we must remain on the top of our game to enlighten and educate our tribe of followers.

This evolution that is evidenced by the frequent changes seen with Facebook is a word to the wise.  Facebook is going to continue to make changes as time goes on.  You should take a cue from them and review your online presence.  When was the last time you updated your blog?  Do your graphics portray that hip, edginess that attracts customers?  Are you maintaining that SEO edge by properly integrating key-word rich content that incorporates post tags and hyperlinks to drive traffic?  Are you providing great…not good but great, content? If not, then Facebook might just be rendering your blog irrelevant by setting the standard and displaying to the world that they are not going to sit on their proverbial laurels.

What will it take to spin your wheel?  What convincing do you need to review your online presence in order to maintain that “edge”?  Do you want to have an unstoppably empowered online presence?  Or…are you comfortable letting your online presence fade into blogging irrelevance?  The choice is yours.

Better yet, contact my good friend and business partner…Eric Bryant at Core Zero Creative, for a comprehensive consultation on the current relevance of your blog.  Do it today and start on the road to blog empowerment.  Don’t let Facebook’s changes render you irrelevant.

Yours In Success & Spiritual Empowerment

Monday, September 26, 2011

What Social Media Means For Your Voice of the Customer Strategy | Business 2 Community

Monday, September 19, 2011

How Social Media Is Changing and What It Means for Your Marketing | ClickZ
How Social Media Is Changing and What It Means for Your Marketing | ClickZ
5 Ways SEOs Can Work with Social Media Managers - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)
7 steps to effective social media risk management

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why Social Media is Vital to Our Security | Empower 2 Go | Martin Casper

Why Social Media is Vital to Our Security | Empower 2 Go | Martin Casper

Why Social Media is Vital to Our Security | Empower 2 Go | Martin Casper
7 Ways to Improve Your Event Planning With Facebook
7 Ways to Improve Your Event Planning With Facebook
Americans Spend 23% of Online Time on Social Networks [STUDY]
Americans Spend 23% of Online Time on Social Networks [STUDY]
How Consumers Interact With Brands on Facebook [STUDY]
How Consumers Interact With Brands on Facebook [STUDY]
Twitter Releases Web Analytics Tool
Twitter Releases Web Analytics Tool
Facebook Revamps Friend Lists [PICS]

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What's Your Social Media Marketing IQ? | ClickZ
What's Your Social Media Marketing IQ? | ClickZ
Social media helped Eagles' Mathis land starting job | Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/07/2011
Social media helped Eagles' Mathis land starting job | Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/07/2011
Business Etiquette Tips for Social Media: 12 Tips From Georgia Business Etiquette Expert Lydia Ramsey - MarketWatch
Business Etiquette Tips for Social Media: 12 Tips From Georgia Business Etiquette Expert Lydia Ramsey - MarketWatch

Friday, September 2, 2011

Young women 'power users' of Facebook, Twitter: But why? | ZDNet

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Are There Socially Smart Videos Traffic Monsters? | Empower 2 Go | Martin Casper
Latest in Small Business Social Media Trends
Latest in Small Business Social Media Trends
How Social Can Improve Customer Service: Expert Advice - The BrainYard - InformationWeek
How Social Can Improve Customer Service: Expert Advice - The BrainYard - InformationWeek
When Businesses Use Social Media: How Much Is Too Much? | BNET
5 Enterprise Social Trends For Next 5 Years - The BrainYard - InformationWeek