Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ways To Empower Your Life Spiritually

What is the definition of spiritual health? A whole and healthy spirit means different things to different individuals. I believe it is a sense of "wholeness", a sense of "knowing", and a sense of something far greater and more wonderful than "what I see in front of me". When we get sick, we have two paths we can take...we can shrivel up and die or we can open ourselves up to a new journey.

Our spirit is our essence...it tends to be the one thing we neglect the most. We have to make time everyday to feed our spirit. When we take care of our spirit, we find the path to our authentic self and ultimately to living the life we were intended to live.

Most people are unaware of the importance of spiritual health...caught up in the whirlwind of life, mindlessly and without question living an illusion, and suddenly...illness shatters this illusion. We are forever changed by the experience of illness and we learn things we would have never learned otherwise. We can take these spiritual lessons and the knowledge we acquire...share it with those around us to try and make the world a better place, so that hopefully it won't come to the point where all those that come after us will endure the same suffering that we have endured.

There are many different spiritual paths and no one can tell another, which is the right one to choose. Each of us must follow the yearnings of our own soul or true self. Understand that we are not talking about religion here. Some people may find spiritual fulfillment in religion, but it is only one of many ways. Spiritual connection is about finding meaning and purpose in your life, discovering who you truly are and connecting with the sources that provide you inner strength, comfort, hope and inner peace.

Tune in to your inner voice and identify what it is that makes you feel whole and connected to the universe. When do you feel most fulfilled and complete? What gives you inner peace, comfort, strength and harmony?

It may be religion or reading the bible. For some, it might be a yoga class or meditation. For others it might be working in the garden, watching a beautiful sunset, participating in your favorite charity, or performing a dance. The sources are many...the important factor is that you identify what works for you...develop it...harmonize with it...let it "Empower" you. A lot of individuals believe that the search for the spiritual is a big mystery or mandates attendance at retreats or meetings...thus they never find "their spiritual hideway". They go on through the path of life not realizing inner peace and their true potential...

Spirituality is an integral part of everyone and can be found in all aspects of your life. You need to only become aware. When this happens...you are "Empowered".

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