Thursday, March 5, 2009

Physical Appearance...Why It Is Important

Physical Appearance...the very thought brings a myriad of emotions to mind. For some...they are proud, for others...nervous, still others...feel a mixture of all of the above. It is such a 'loaded" topic and a very sensitive one that can grip us right to our very core.

Wikipedia has defined "Physical Attractiveness" as "the perception of the physical traits of an individual human person as pleasing or beautiful." It goes on to say that it can include various implications, such as sexual attractiveness and physique. Judgment of attractiveness of physical traits is (1) partly universal to all human cultures, (2) partly dependent on culture and society, and (3) partly a matter of individual subjective preference. Physical attractiveness can have a significant effect on how people are judged, in terms of employment or social opportunities, friendship, sexual behavior, and marriage. Ironically, in many cases, humans attribute positive characteristics, such as intelligence and honesty, to attractive people without consciously realizing it.

How does this relate to an individual's health? Is it even relevant? Do we make too much of good looks? We have often heard the phrase..."Beauty Is Only Skin Deep". I would differ on that opinion. I believe that external beauty most assuredly is a product of a number of factors (1) genetics obviously plays a major role in our features, (2) environmental factors influence beauty, (3) personal self-esteem greatly affects our attitude and appearance, (4) diet plays an important role in skin tone, skin texture, muscle tone, and proper physical development.

Of the four factors mentioned, the only one that we can not affect a direct positive change on, is genetics. The other three factors we have influence on...and most in a significant way. The way we were raised plays an important part in how we view the world and ourselves. If we were raised in a negative environment, we can break out of that mold and effect a positive change on our lives. When we do this, our self-esteem improves...i.e. they way we view ourselves. If we have good self-esteem, it will show in our attitude, the way we smile, as well as the way we effect eye contact...this all points toward self-confidence...a "can-do" attitude. I personally have witnessed individuals who were a product of a negative environment as children, grow up, change their attitudes...and as they did this their appearance improved remarkably. They were more attractive, confident, and full of life.

The fourth way maybe has the largest affect on our looks and health...that would be diet and exercise...this is crucial. The negative effects on our health, due to the lack of proper nutrition, because our diet does not include eating enough fruits and vegetables is well documented. This coupled with our intake of animal products, provides for a constant drain on our system at both the organ and cellular levels. Recently it has been recommended by nutritional experts that we need to increase our servings of fruits and vegetables to 10-13 per day. That is quite a challenge with our fast paced lives. Unfortunately, the quality of the products on the market due to artificial genetic changes, an over abundance of chemical fertilizer and pesticides, have degraded the soil to the point that the produce we eat is nothing like what we ate just ten years ago.

Obesity in our young children is climbing at a staggering rate, along with childhood diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. This has become an epidemic. Fast foods have been the curse of our society. We have let proper diet become an afterthought. Exercise habits have virtually disappeared, except for the athletes in our schools. In many instances group sports has taken over calisthenics and P.E. in the school system. Our health and our beauty has negatively changed as well, due to the build-up of toxins in our system from improper diet and lack of exercise. These are all factors that we can effect change for the better. Just eating a balanced diet can improve the "glow' of our skin, as well as the texture...let alone muscle tone and development. We can also effect weight control by increasing fiber content, decreasing saturated fats, minimizing our carbohydrate intake, unless one is in high level training (eliminate simple carbohydrate as much as possible, and Totally Eliminate High Fructose Corn Syrup along with many other "substitutes")

Proper body image creates a positive emotional attitude that fights disease. It has been well-documented that high levels of stress provide a perfect medium for the disease processes to begin, as toxins are released into the body that begin the inflammatory process from where the majority of diseases originate. Thinking positive, releases endorphins into our system that, make us relaxed and happy. The key to the success of an affirmation is its potential or the potentiality of your creative thought. I AM BEAUTIFUL! I AM HAPPY!

As we continue this journey, we will examine more in depth emotional health, self-esteem and how this affects ones physical health...

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