Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Physical Health...What Is It? Where Does It Start?

Yesterday, we discussed various aspects of health and how cellular degeneration occurs in relation to various stimuli such as improper diet, drugs and stress. We left off by "Getting Back to Four Basics". Isn't this interesting?..."Getting Back to Basics". If you look at all aspects of our lives, no matter what they is the "Basics" that matter! "Basics" are the crux of our lives. For example, take two different being a moderately priced watch and the other a very expensive Swiss-made watch. Both watches perform the same function...give you the time, maybe the date...other than that it is upgraded features and quite possible better quality materials that differ the two. But again, it is the "Basics" that matter.

1.] Waste Elimination

First and foremost, we need to reduce our intake of harmful foods.If you want to correct a health condition, then you will have to eliminate the harmful foods...totally. It may not be easy, but you cannot continue to feed your body with junk and expect it to heal. Our bodies are similar to a have heard the saying..."garbage in, garbage out". This is so true with our health.

There are no drugs in the world that can heal your condition. Remember what we discussed yesterday..."drugs are a poison given to treat a poison"...and there are always negative side-effects. Our bodies were designed to heal themselves...we just have to give it a chance. But we must give our bodies the ammunition to "self-heal". This is where detox comes into play.

There are many ways to detox, but whatever detox program you choose to do, always ensure that the products are safe and natural. You can try juice fasting, or just go on a total fast for a few days to let your body rest, detox, and heal. When you do a detox program, always drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins. Myself, I do a daily detox...I "juice" on a daily basis with a mixture of 16 fresh vegetables and fruit through a juicer. Still, it is a good idea to do a total body detox every once in awhile.

For more challenging situations, one has to consider doing a colonic detox. A congested colon may be carrying as much as 10-25 lbs of dried fecal matter in it. This is the perfect environment for bacteria to the millions on a daily basis. A congested colon can lead to unclean blood that is toxic and harmful to your 100 trillion cells, which can quickly dwindle in numbers from the damage.

2.] Oxygen

One of the most basic needs of our cells is oxygen...clean, fresh air. Proper detox, helps clean up your colon and liver which in turn yields cleaner blood throughout our circulatory system. One of the functions of our blood cells is to carry oxygen, via the hemoglobin molecule, as well as water and nutrients to our entire body.

Often, we have heard that exercise is so important. Exercise enables our heart to pump blood more efficiently throughout the circulatory system. When blood circulates, it stirs up stagnant blood which otherwise would cause a host of health problems.

Deep breathing is also therapeutic. Take a walk outside, early in the morning when the air is still fresh and do deep breathing exercises. This alone does wonders and helps provide energy that can last you for hours. It also provides us with a different type of sitting inside all day, as many of us do in our professions, we re-breathe air over and over again, never giving our bodies the break that they need to really detox and eliminate all the old air and CO2.

3.] Water

The importance of drinking plenty of water cannot be emphasized enough. Our dehydrated cells cannot talk, but they give clear signals to our bodies through pain. When they are dehydrated, they cause pain. When we give them enough water, most of these pains will just go away. Without adequate oxygen and water, our bodies rapidly go into a state of lactic acidosis and cellular death is rapidly eminent.

Don't say that you're drinking plenty of water...always check...8-10 tall glasses each day is a good rule of thumb apart from other liquids you ingest. A more pure form of drinking water like distilled water is recommended, as hard water and the so-called "mineral water" will deposit inorganic elements in your body that your body cannot assimilate, which are then treated as toxins.

4.] Nutrients

We have arrived at the last of the "Four Basics"...nutrients, the building blocks that give us energy. Once you have done a proper detox and are eliminating unhealthy food from your diet, taking in sufficient water as well as exercising every day, then you must feed your cells with proper nutrients from various food sources.

Our bodies have been deprived of nutrients for most of our lives because of the "modern day diet" that consists of processed foods that are high in fat, as well as being low in fiber and nutrition. This is one reason that I resorted to "juicing" on a daily basis. Proper nutrition need to include a number of elements such as:

*Vitamins, Minerals, and Trace Elements
*Amino Acids, Complex Carbohydrates, Phytonutrients, and Anti-Oxidants
*Bio-flavonoids, Chlorophyll, and Enzymes
*Fiber, Essential Fatty Acids, and Healthy Colon Flora

It is important that we ask much of the above do we provide our bodies, and those 100 trillion cells, on a daily basis? If we are not providing appropriately for our bodies, then we need to be proactive and change. Maybe it is a need for more information and education. Maybe it is a need for more self-discipline. Maybe we need more direction and motivation.
As we journey on to the next element of our health...our physical appearance, I will relate back to these concepts and how they directly correlate with our appearance...stay tuned.

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